Analisis Produksi Kopi Di Indonesia Tahun 2015-2020 Menggunakan Metode Cobb-Douglass


  • Sekar Harum Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tidar Author


Export, Commodities, Production, Cobb-Douglass


Coffee is one of the main export commodities in Indonesia. In the past five years, Indonesia has managed to rank fourth as the largest coffee exporting country in the world right after Brazil, Colombia, and Vietnam. In addition, Indonesia ranks second as a robusta coffee producing country after Vietnam. On the other hand, Arabica coffee which, although not widely exported in quantity, is in great demand in quality because of its delicious taste which is known to be delicious in foreign countries. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze coffee production so that its existence is maintained in Indonesia. In this study, researchers conducted an analysis of coffee production in Indonesia over a period of five years using the Cobb-Douglas method. From the results of the regression conducted by researchers using the E-Views software, the results obtained if the coffee production factors that havea positive and insignificant effect are land area. while the production factors that have a negative but not significant effect on coffee production are harvested area and labor


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How to Cite

Analisis Produksi Kopi Di Indonesia Tahun 2015-2020 Menggunakan Metode Cobb-Douglass. (2022). GROWTH : Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Pembangunan, 4(2), 101-108.