Optimalisasi Pertumbuhan Ekonomi melalui Bonus Demografi (Studi Empiris di Provinsi Bali Periode 2010-2017)
Productive Age Population, Dependency Ratio, Economic Growth Rate, Unemployment, Gini RatioAbstract
This study aims to identify the influence of demographic factors such as population, employment and unemployment on macroeconomic indicators, namely economic growth. The data used in this study are secondary data obtained from relevant government agencies such as BPS, and the Directorate General of Treasury of the Republic of Indonesia. The model used in this study. This research model uses multiple linear regression analysis with 4 independent variables, namely the rate of population growth, the number of unemployed, the dependency ratio, and the Gini ratio. The regression results show that all independent variables have a relationship that is in accordance with the hypothesis. The significant effect is supported by the assumption of BLUE (Best Linear Unbiased Estimator) through classical assumption test which includes heteroscedasticity test, multicollinearity test, autocorrelation test and normality test. The hypothesis in accordance with the theory is also supported by a partial hypothesis test (T-test) and simultaneously (F-test) as well as a test of the coefficient of determination (R-squared). From the relationship and level of significance, it can be concluded that the demographic transition in Bali has provided a bonus for economic growth in the region.Keyword : Inflation; Money Supply; GDP Growth; Interest Rate
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